I am
Baha Alden HASIM


Baha Alden Hasim

Junior Full-Stack Web Developer & Photographer.

As a Junior Web Developer, my journey began behind the lens of a camera as a photographer. However, my passion for creating interactive and immersive experiences led me to the world of coding. Though my coding journey has only just begun, I've been dedicating my time to learn the tools of the trade, such as HTML5, CSS3-SASS, Git, JavaScript, React and NodeJS.

I am excited to take my newfound skills and merge them with my creativity to build websites that leave a lasting impression on those who visit. With the ever-evolving world of technology, I am also particularly drawn to the world of mobile devices and the endless possibilities they hold.

As I progress on my coding journey, I must admit I was initially nervous about tackling such a new challenge. But with each passing day, I find myself growing more confident in my abilities. Before diving into web development, I have background in petroleum engineering, I was an expert in advanced drilling solutions, petroleum refinery operations, and the implementation of petroleum processes.
But now my focus is coding and web development, where the limit is only the imagination.


a look into my showcase



As a junior web developer i can work with a team of developers to create new websites and applications. i can designation the meaning for your work under the su pervision of senior developers in your department, and be involved in all stages of the project, from brainstorming to final testing.

Web Developer

Hire Junior Full-Stack Developer to elevate your Brand with an out of Box Ideas, Appealing & user-friendly web portals at your doorstep with React and NodeJS, the two most vital ingredients of any design. Hire Junior Full-Stack developer to design eye-catching websites for your business.


You don’t take a photograph. You ask quietly to borrow it. Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything. Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is. In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.